Do we follow the Common Core Standards?
San Felipe de Neri Catholic School follows the Santa Fe Archdiocesan Standards and Benchmarks. The academic curriculum for students at San Felipe de Neri Catholic School can be found by accessing the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Catholic Schools Website.
What subjects do we offer?
We offer religion, math, language arts, social studies, science, P.E., technology, music, library, and art.
How does the communication come from the school?
FACTS is our online school management system where parents can access grades, school news, classroom information, and much more! Parents and students have access to FACTS once a login ID and password are created. FACTS is available as an app. We also have a weekly newsletter, an Instagram account, and a Facebook page.
How often do we attend Mass?
Elementary students attend Mass on Wednesdays at 8:30. Middle School attends Mass on Fridays at 8:30 and on the First Friday of every month, Elementary joins the Middle School. We also attend Mass on Holy Days of Obligation.
Is there tuition assistance?
Yes! A form to apply for assistance can be found in our tuition management system, FACTS where, once completed by the family, need is assessed, and assistance is then awarded.
Do you offer Before and After Care?
We offer both before and after school care. Before School Care begins at 7:15 am, ends at 8:00 am, and is free of charge. After School Care begins at 3:20pm and ends at 5:30pm. The cost is $6.00 per hour per child. After School Care begins with homework completion and snack. Once homework is completed, students engage in various activities like board games, outdoor activities, and crafts.